I do tech, arts, film and photography.
Interested in working with me? Great!
I am looking for new challenges at the moment.
Check my recent projects and contact me.
thomaszuber (ät) zuzmeister (dot) net
"The Flackl Experience" is a documentary film about the exhibited artworks in and around a hotel located in lower Austria. The innkeeper, Alfred Flackl, collected up to 1000 paintings and sculptures. His ex-wife, Christl Flackl, is responsible for the presentation of the diverse collection. Alfred's former brother-in-law, Wolfgang Männer, who is a one of the exhibited artists, gives the viewer a tour through the art-maze.
GuteLuft.net was a little web-app aimed to help people find a smoke-free bar/pub/restaurant/club nearby.
Fed up with the decision of the Austrian government not to ban indoor smoking in bars and restaurants I became a heavy user of the website da.stinkts.net - a platform that collects smoke-free premises all over Austria.
The only drawback: the site wasn't mobile friendly.
So I started to create a new User Interface using the data provided by da.stinkts.net.
Movie on Christoph Rohner's website
Movie Trailer
As Director of Photography (DOP) I worked with director Christoph Rohner to realize his short movie "Sowitasgoht".
An app that helps you capture stop motion movies.
It is...
Although creating stop motion film is so easy, finding software that is neither expensive nor buggy can be tough.
So I wrote my own little piece of software that I could use in my workshops for children and young adults.
StopMotion runs on macOS, Windows and Linux and is open source. It's written in Processing (so it's basically Java) and only needs the Java Runtime Environment installed to run on your machine (duh!).
You can download the source-code or the compiled release from Github.
This is what you can create with it:
Project website
Together with Nicole Wogg I organized and held workshops for children and young adults teaching how to create stop-motion videos. It's a lot of fun helping young artists to unleash their creativity. The experiences that I made during that time lead to the development my own stop-motion software.